The state of Native Americans in the twenty-first century

Monday, February 22, 2010

Response to "My Blog Log"

Having no previous information on the Environment, I knew immediately I wanted to read a blog to which this topic was its main focus. The author of blog log focused on using images to show, rather then tell, her messages of global pollution and the effect it has on our everyday life. I expecially enjoyed the first twelve slides which told what would have been a normal story but had images expressing a totally different view point. For example, under the title, "or take a walk along a beautiful lakes, rivers, and ponds..." was a pond which was clearly polluted as it rained of dead fish. The images displayed immediately opened my eyes to the effect human carelessness has had on our environment. The next section of the presentation was dedicated to facts, displayed with vivid pictures along side. I had no idea that, "1,500 water bottles are thrown in the garbage every second". This astounding fact allowed me to see the full magnitude of the waste of the world. If every fifteen seconds 1,500 water bottles are thrown away, then while I've been writting this post over 15,000 bottles have been thrown away world wide. That's a lot of bottles. I also thought it was clever that the author did not only tell the reader about the horrors of our wastefulness, but what can be done as a population to help the situation. This was a clever idea because I felt horrible about the images I had seen, and now know what I can do to make sure no more of those horrible pictures of our enviorment can ever be taken. Before watching this presentation I had little knowledge on global pollution, but feel after reading this blog, I now have a better understanding. The author of the blog should feel proud of themselves because there was not a large amount of text, yet I was still able to gain total understanding of the topic through pictures, videos, and music. I will officially never throw away a plastic bottle ever again in my entire life.

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